In recent times with COVID-19 being so prevalent, it was hard to decide on a place to people watch as there weren’t many places where a lot of people gathered. I ended up deciding on going to the grocery store, which seemed like the perfect place as everyone was doing something interesting and different. When I walked into the grocery store, the somewhat fresh smell of the produce area hit my nose, As I looked around I saw 3 or four people checking the weights of foods and feeling them, looking for mushy spots. One lady who looked somewhat annoyed was dragging a boy who looked to be 7 or 8 and even less happy to be there. As I moved away from the produce section and towards the snack aisle I noticed a small line of people waiting patiently to check their food out, all waiting at the stickers that were placed six feet apart on the floor. One lady was wearing a light gray jacket that looked like it was meant for traveling through Antarctica, even though it was sweater weather. As I was looking for a bag of chips to buy I saw a middle-aged man swiftly walk by and grab a bag of sweet-chili Doritos, as if it had been on his mind for days. When I walked over to the ice tea section I saw a group of young adults choosing what type of beer there were going to buy, I could hear them bickering on whether to get bud light or Heineken, and by the sound of it, they were very conflicted about it. Finally, as I was checking out at the self-checkout, I could see the guy next to me, who had a weird grin on his face as he was purchasing enough snacks and sweets to hold a party. As I walked through the parking lot, I saw the same Mother and child from earlier who both looked somewhat relieved that they were done with their grocery shopping.