A disagreement my mother and I constantly have is about my mindset. I’m known for constantly overthinking and fearing the worst of situations at times. Or I’ll constantly worry about things that are in the distant future when I shouldn’t. As time goes on I have been trying to work on that part of myself. I try to think more positively about situations. Within the last year so much tragedy has occurred and it only gave me more reasons to think negatively and be doubtful of the future. What usually leads to my mother and I bumping heads is I will complain about something that is stressing or bothering me. She’d hear me complain throughout the day and she would see the worry on my face. Usually that causes her to be upset because she doesn’t like to see me in that manner. When I’m frustrated about something bothering me it always tends to come out when I’m around my mom because I tell her most things. Once she’ll hear me complain she would ask why I stress myself out this way and tell me that it isn’t good for me. I always tell her that I just honestly can’t help it. When I get this way she always gives me advice that helps me get on a better track. She would say to me that life is too short to constantly worry about things that haven’t even occurred yet because tomorrow is not promised. Also she would mention that if it is something that is out of my control then it doesn’t make sense to worry about it but if it is something I can change then I just need to do what I have to instead of overthinking. Once you’ve done all you can you just have to let things be. Even if in the beginning we bump heads in the end she’ll give me the advice I need in order overcome my overactive brain. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with all my thoughts, I would like to just act instead of having to think about things and dwell on it for so long. Regardless of my bad habits no matter how many times we have this disagreement she has always been there to give me the advice I need to hear.