One time I felt anonymous was when I was very young and just transferred schools. I had moved closer to the beginning of the first grade and was completely unknown to any and everyone in that class; besides the two students who transferred into the school with me. I was never the type to make friends easy but, I was always into doing my work and sticking to my studies. I had known nobody and I didn’t feel like there was much wrong. During recess, I’d be the child playing by themselves. I had gotten good at being a loner and that quality in me always remained. Till this day, I prefer working alone, out of preference, not for any other reason. Moreover, I always felt as if I mattered, and I don’t think that’ll ever change. The lonely feeling never held me back from being the person I am today. Over time I met new friends and became better acquainted with the kids in my class. People would start to ask me for help in school and since then I’ve always been the person everybody comes to for help in math and science. Even though I never had the most social experience as a child, in my deepest hopes and dreams, I knew that in the future that’ll change, and I’m glad it did.