Prof. Jessica Penner | OL10 | Spring 2021

Yasmine Blair, Anonymous work critique

At first when I was reading Anonymous work I wasn’t sure where it was going. I didn’t understand if the person speaking was Elena Farquahar and the reason why she had supposedly disappeared. However as I kept reading I realized that the speaker seemed to be expressing the obstacles which many women have to face as being writers. She touches topics that may not cross peoples minds when they see work out out by a female writer and what that writer has gone through in order to get that work out. The speaker has clearly been through many trials being a writer. She took on the role of a wife, mother, and professor all while still balancing a writing career. Unfortunately the people in her life who should be uplifting her wanted to see her conform instead of going after her dreams. Often times in society people feel that women should just play a supporting role and never outshine the men. It was evident when the speaker talks of her idea being used and changed by a bunch of men in Hollywood because they had hit a dry spot, instead of giving her credit they claimed the idea simply just “came to them”. That was a prime example of how in certain industries women aren’t giving the proper acknowledgment in many crafts of work. Not only did outside people not care to see her success but her own husband didn’t either. In the beginning it seemed as though the couple was “equal” but as time went on his true feelings rose to the surface. Her husband lashed out due to his insecurities. Often men just want their wives to praise and lift them up but when roles a reverse they get angry and jealous. Her husband’s jealousy lead to abuse and years of draining court simply because he couldn’t accept the fact that she was doing better than he was. This whole piece emphasizes the trials that women sometimes have to face when trying to be successful in their careers and this is seen not only with being writers. I admired the fact that she changed “I” to “we” and “my” to “our” because she’s pointing out that she’s not alone that she’s speaking for other women who haven’t built up the courage just yet to speak out. 


  1. sumayah

    I thought I was the only one who was lost at first when reading Anonymous work, so many things were happening all at once. I agree, many women to this day strive to be successful.

  2. sumayah

    I thought I was the only one who was lost at first when reading Anonymous work, so many things were happening all at once. I agree, many women to this day strive to be successful.

  3. Felix Mejia

    I agree it was kind of confusing when it started but the story just kept building up until you could understand!. I agree when you say, “Often times in society people feel that women should just play a supporting role and never outshine the men”. Often women are looked down just because socially, they should be more submissive, comforting, delicate… There is nothing wrong with these things, but according to society it is also a sign of weakness, which is where the problem lies.

  4. aaamrin

    Hey Yasmin! I can totally relate because I was also very confused in the beginning but then after reading it multiple times, I kind of got it. I feel like situation is so common even back then and now which is so sad.

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