Prof. Jessica Penner | OL10 | Spring 2021

“Whatever Happened to ______?” Critique

I found this essay to be quite intriguing, given the insight it offers on the life and circumstances of female authors that seemingly “go missing”. While she makes the point of female authors disappearing from the writing world due to a newfound domestic life, it does make me curious as to how many specifically share her circumstance: female authors that didn’t let domestic life stop them, but due to some unfortunate incident, ended up fading into obscurity anyway as a result. I feel like Anonymous’s situation is particularly tragic, as she was someone that didn’t let life stop her and even found success, but due to the deep-black scourge of domestic violence, ended up losing all of that, becoming someone that was, someone I personally will only ever know as “Anonymous”. The great thing about life however, is that everyday is another chance. So I do hope that one day, her ongoing struggle will come to its own conclusion, whether definitive in nature, or simply by fizzling out, and Anonymous will be able to begin picking up the pieces proper. She seems like the kind of person who has the gusto, determination and competence needed to do so. I look forward to the day where I can know Anonymous’s name, and find out about her story going forward from her now, past life.


  1. Abigail Rose

    I agree with Aaron because she didnt let life stop her because she able to share this story. also like everyone whos life has been broken by someone or something tragic, she will be able to pick it up piece by piece.

  2. Yasmine

    I agree that the speakers story was tragic because it is a shame that she will only be known to us as anonymous. I am however glad that she was able to release three books and get some bit of success in her life before everything occurred.

  3. sumayah

    I agree, Anonymous wok was inspirational and will never be forgotten. I hope one day I find out her actual name as well. But I’m curious as to why she did not reveal her name though?? o would want the whole world to know my struggle.

  4. sumayah

    I agree, Anonymous wok was inspirational and will never be forgotten. I hope one day I find out her actual name as well. But I’m curious as to why she did not reveal her name though?? o would want the whole world to know my struggle.

  5. aaamrin

    Yes, this work was very intriguing and inspiring. Women like Anonymous are so strong, I can’t imagine all the pain and trauma she had to go through for so long.

  6. Ariel Itshaik

    Not only did I find her work to be passionate but, just as Aaron said, she has the confidence and “gusto” to rebuild her life and it shows when she expresses her feelings at the end of her work.

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