After reading “Whatever happened to” by Anonymous, I gained a greater understanding of the difficulties women go through while being mothers and career workers trying to provide for themselves and their family. Often , they face adversit from society, friends, family and even their own spouses. From “Whatever happened to” we learn of a hardworking woman who worked through hardships being a dedicated mother, professional, all while pursuing her own passion only to be faced with disaster from her spouse.

While reading “Whatever happened to” I appreciated her consideration of the difficulty faced by other groups. When discussing the treatment of one group people often forget to consider others who are in similar situations, sometimes limiting the large-scale effects of the situation. Though this doesn’t lessen the validity of one argument, to garner support it’s important to have various groups’ interests in mind to really make a change. I liked that she didn’t sit in the “echo chamber”, keeping her mind open to the plights of others. She, like many others, opened a door often closed subconsciously, as most assume women just fade into being submissive wives and mothers giving up their careers.

Another thing I enjoyed was the important quotes from the previous sections in the space between proceeding sections. The quotes emphasized the important points from previous paragraphs allowing them to always stay prevalent in the reader’s mind. Rarely have I seen stories, articles or anything literary work use this style and it was refreshing.

Out of the many points I enjoyed, one of the last was the shift in perspective early in the story. From the societal impact on career women starting a family, to the introduction and explanation of Anonymous’s story, the changes explored the various causes and effects.. Through perspective the reader learned about the effect not only on career women, but looking outside as a “fan” and other women respectively.

What happened to Anonymous ex-husband,has he ever sold any meaningful amount of books?

Did he try to make a book capitalizing off the divorce after it happened?

Is Anonymous’s daughter old enough to speak on her parent’s divorce, what does she remember from her childhood?