Prof. Jessica Penner | OL10 | Spring 2021

A formal critique of Anonymous’ work, Nadrea Pereira Tyndall

Anonymous’ work was really interesting point of view on writers. ” For the story to work the way it always works, the woman has to be better than average. She has to shine. Then she conforms”. This quote stood out to me because as a writer you have to be better than average because a lot of people start out writing but they never make it far, so something in you as to classify you from the others. You get shaped into a writer as time goes on. As I read on in the story and started to gain an understanding of what I was reading, it looks to me that her husband was probably jealous about her success as a female writer. “So what I mean when I say that it’s different being a woman writer, and particularly a mother who is also a writer, is that I don’t think male authors are physically assaulted by their spouses for gaining a modicum of success.They aren’t as likely to be violently attacked for being cream, rising.” This quote also stood out to me. That not only is she a female writer but she is a mother with a daughter. It’s crazy how her husband was in range over her small quantity of success as a writer that he had to put his hands on her. She didn’t deserve that, he loved being a writer and she had a passion for it. She didn’t feel that she was competing with her husband, she liked the fact that they were two writers at home, she was able to help him. But from what I read he took her little bit of success and was jealous.

Women and men are different but that doesn’t mean that their should be a gap on who gets paid more or less. Or even who is more successful. If you have a dream, a passion, or an idea, you should not be abused or ridiculed about from the opposite sex. Their should be a clear understanding of what you are trying to do to provide for your family while doing what you are passionate about it. This should be clear among males and females. Their should be no hate or jealously but support.


  1. Michelle

    I agree with what you said about the second quote that her husband was not able to handle and accept the fact that she was doing better than him. The author, in the beginning stated that because they were both writers they were able to help each other out. The author never had no ill intentions towards the husband, she never even thought of being jealous over the fact that maybe one day, the husband would be more successful or something. But in the end the husband got insecure about his own self that he put his hands on his wife.

    • NadreaPT

      I agree with everything you said here! She never had any ill intentions towards him, she only wanted to help him. She never wanted to be better than him, she wanted to make sure that he was doing well in his writing as well.

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