When I was around 7 years old I had just transferred schools. It was a terrifying adjustment since I had barely known any of my fellow students. Over time I became acquainted and made new friends; but, I still felt as if I was an outsider. It wasn’t until years later when I met one of my closest friends to date.

His name was Daniel and when we met everything just clicked. We used to be the best at solving equations and always worked together on our projects. As we grew up our friendship only strengthened as we started getting into gaming. Around the 6th grade we started playing video games on the PlayStation 3. I remember playing in my room one day and my mom walked in on me screaming “BEHIND YOU!” through my microphone. Daniel was one of those friends that would do anything for you. When I got my allowance my parents wouldn’t let me spend it on games so id give it to Daniel to buy it for me. Not only did he do it for me; but, he made it his number one priority. We would then download the new content packs and play for nights on end. It reached a point where my parents made me move all my gaming equipment to the basement just so they wouldn’t hear me screaming through our shared wall.

After junior high school, our schedule didn’t really align so it was harder to make plans; but, we stayed pretty consistent. Every weekend we tried to catch up, watch a movie and all round hang out. Although, as highschool progressed we got pretty busy at school and we hung out less and less. Being in college made us lose even more contact with one another; however, we still text each other every now and then. I’m not sure how Daniel feels, but I know that anytime he needs me I will be there for him, all he needs to tell me is where and when. He is still one of the closest people I have in my life and I don’t think anything would change that. Daniel, if you’re reading this, lets play some Black Ops 2 Zombies.