Before class on Wednesday, March 2, students will…

  • Write a critique of Myriam Gurba’s work. What did you enjoy? What questions do you have for the author? Title it Full NameGurba’s Work. Post it under Discussions. Post this critique by Wednesday, March 2.
  • Post Journal Assignment 2: Write about a time you’ve felt you were anonymous (either by choice or not). Title it Full Name, Journal 2 and post it under Journals. Post this journal by Wednesday, March 2. (Wordcount: 200-300.)
  • Write a NEW memoir piece.
    • You can use either Journal 1 or 2 as inspiration for the memoir, or share something else, as long as it fits in the memoir category (telling a particular story about your life from your perspective).
    • You’ll be submitting it to your Cohort on Wednesday, March 2, so don’t wait until the last minute to work on this assignment! 🙂
    • Wordcount: 500 words (or more).
    • Before class on Wednesday, post your first draft, titled Full Name, Memoir 2 and save it under Memoir.
    • If you missed the last workshop and do not have a Cohort, one will be assigned to you–but only if you show up for class!

During class on Wednesday, March 2, we will


  • Characterization in memoir (or any genre). A brief intro to this topic can be found in my Announcement.
  • We’ll look at how the memoirists we’ve read have shown characterization both in themselves and the people they include in their work.


  • Be sure to have posted the NEW memoir piece (again, you can use your journal entries or anything that would be considered a memoir) for your Cohort to respond to.
    • Be sure to post it first. Even if you aren’t finished or feel you need more time, post it! Title it Full Name, Memoir 2 and post it under Memoir.
    • Email the link to your Cohort members and me!
  • Critique your Cohort’s work using the “ENG1141 Critique for Plot in Memoir 2,” which is found in the Course Profile (click on the red hypertext and you’ll be sent there).
  • DO NOT just comment on peers’ posts. You MUST use the document listed above!
  • You have until class time on Wednesday, March 9 to finish reviewing your Cohort’s work.
  • When completed, email this document to your Cohort and me!

Upcoming assignments for Week 6:

  • Finish your critiques of your Cohort’s work and email the document to your Cohort and me by class time on Wednesday, March 9.
  • If you weren’t present on Wednesday, March 2, you must find a friend/relative to critique your piece (using the document above) and email me a copy by class time on Wednesday, March 9.
  • Read Edward P. Jones’ short story, “The First Day.” This is our first short fiction piece! Click on the red hypertext and you’ll be sent to the Course Profile.