No it’s not Ghana, it’s Guyana (Poem 1)

No, it’s not Ghana and no I’m not from India and I am not Indian. I am Guyanese.

But what is that? So technically you’re Indian right? So, if you’re Indian where is the dot on your forehead? Why don’t you have and Indian accent? News flash again, I am Guyanese.
I am West Indian. Let me break it down. Guyana is a country in South Africa with Guyanese people who speaks broken English. No, I don’t speak Hindi although it seems like a beautiful language that I wouldn’t mind learning. We speak English but we have our unique accent and twist to it. We have some Indian descent, but we are still Guyanese.

We celebrate certain Indian holidays and listen to Bollywood music, but we are mainly known for our soca and chutney music along with some dancehall.

Eyes turn and whisper to each other while I walk into the deli to then ask “eres de India o dominicana?”. I laugh and tell them none im from Guyana and they question “oh pero eso es india Tambien” or “so you eat curry?” Yes, yes we do.

Curry is delicious but there’s also other stuff we eat such as doubles this delicious fried dough stuffed with seasoned potatoes and chickpeas coated in curry sauce. We also have our own twist on Chinese food, and we call it Kaiteur food. We make this delicious meal for the holidays known as pepper pot which is a stewed beef with this bittersweet and spicy sauce called cassareep. Cream soda is the go-to and snacking on Guyana’s favorite “Big Foot” which is Cheeto like chips is our thing.

Now I am also Mexican which is a culture that is commonly known and doesn’t get mistaken for other cultures as much as Guyana does. I am blessed to be mixed with two very different backgrounds. But let’s not confuse Guyana for anything other than what it is.  

Spring Is Here (Poem 2)

The best time of year

Cherry blossoms bloom

Spring Is here

Weather is changing

Ice Cream trucks are near

The best time of year

No more puffers

No more Christmas cheer

Spring is here

Birthday month in April

Let’s cheers with a beer

The best time of year

Alphabetical Poem (Poem 3)

Amazing idea for a poem

But not sure if it’s as easy as it seems

Can I complete it or

Do I need to

Even try or will it

Flow through my mind like it is now

Great start and

Honestly not too difficult

I mean maybe I’m

Just a master at poetry…

Kiddingggg just for

Laughs I mean

Maybe I’m getting better but let me

Not get ahead of myself

Or else this

Poem will suck and I won’t be the

Queen of poetry but in

Reality I’m pretty

Smooth with it

To the point where I’m

Unable to fail but anyways this was

Very fun and I think I took a

Win for this poem so

Xoxo until next time hope

You enjoyed my poem and you were

Zoned in as much as I was

Warmth (Poem 4)

Every time the sun shines and the weather is warm, I must go out.

I just must. Something about the warm sun rays beaming through the shades and the birds

Chirping away calls me outside. The subtle breeze and the sound of the ice cream truck

Starting to drive down the block or the ice ladies shouting COCO MANGO CHERRY just makes me go crazy to be out there. The spirit of the hood comes alive, and my neighbors blast their Spanish music while sitting outside their front steps also enjoying the sun as much as I am. It’s such a relieving and comforting feeling for me to be outdoors when the weather is nice. It just feels right. Warmer days especially create this urge for me to go to a pier. And that I do. Take myself and some friends to a pier and relax get some good food and just enjoy the beautiful sun gleam against the water while the ducks glide along like the clouds glide in the sky. Bike rides, strolls and kids playing is all I see while I enjoy the presence of the sun. Big smiles and loud laughs throughout the day and night, that’s all I need.

Brush Away (Poem 5)

We wake up every day and go to the bathroom

We open the cabinet

Get our toothpaste

Run some water while brushing

Well, some do some don’t

Scrub on top and bottom in circles because that’s the only right way to do so

We brush our tongue to get that bad breath away

Then we rinse

And then gargle

And finally floss

We wipe down our toothbrush and put it away

Wipe our mouths and continue with our day

We brush our teeth every day.