The spring semester of 2020 was a time where I was fully committed to trying my best to improve my GPA for my college degree. I was getting work completed on a easier basis and before deadlines easily. I was able to get out of my house more as well by going to some places that I’ve never been to before. However a lot of that was wiped away instantly when Covid was becoming a major issue in the country and specifically in New York. There were already Covid cases in the city but around March 11th everything changed worldwide. They shut down the college and all classes went remote. I don’t think I went into full quarantine until around the week after. I expected things to blow over after two weeks but that turned out to be a few years. Due to Covid, it made my work process and productivity slow down significantly. I felt like I wasn’t learning much and I didn’t like doing work at my house all the time. I was basically stuck in my house for 2 whole months without seeing outside my street. I would say it changed my life because it changed my perspective on how I viewed everything and everyone based on the pandemic and college in general. Fortunately now that we’re back on campus there’s an opportunity to rebound. It may take awhile, but it’s good to be back for at least one or two more semesters before I get my degrees.