Growing up, I was always picked up and dropped off everywhere by our personal chauffeur back in Pakistan. I never had to take public transportation anywhere. But once I moved to America, everything changed. I had to start taking the train to school because my dad didn’t have a car. I wasn’t used to this lifestyle, but slowly I adjusted to it. The trains nowadays are not that safe, nor reliable when it comes to timeliness. After years of taking the trains and buses, I finally got my license last year, but I couldn’t get a car until January of this year. Before getting my car, I would promise my family that I will take them out and We’ll go on long road trips and go try new foods. However, now that I got my car, I don’t have time to go out with my family. I am a full time student and I work almost full time throughout the week. Also, parking is a huge issue here in brooklyn. Once I find parking somewhere, I don’t like to take out my car unless it’s a cleaning day. Apart from work and school, the only time I can go out with my family is at night time, but most restaurants close and then by the time we come back, it takes 30 minutes to an hour to find parking. Small arguments over this occur all the time in my house now. Oftentimes, my family wants to go out, but due to time restrictions or parking issues, I don’t want to move it and this upsets my family. I made so many promises and now I can’t fulfill them. Everytime i go home after work, my brother or sister asks me if I want to go out for a drive or go out to eat and my answer is always no unless it’s a birthday or something. Then they go and complain to our parents how I kind of lied. They always say, “oh if you were so busy why did you say you’ll take us out.” I was free until I got my car. I got a new job and my car around the same time that the spring semester started, making my schedule change completely. I am no longer free like I was during winter break. The problem can be resolved, I should just take off one day from work and spend quality family time and go out with them in my car. Also, next time I shouldn’t make promises that I could not hold to their word.