On a Friday Evening, Z invited Abu and Paris out for some drinks to catch up since they have all been busy with work and school. Abu and Paris work at the same Italian restaurant and became friends thanks to Z introducing the two a few years ago. They met at a restaurant/bar in midtown and was talking about how hectic school has been with all the midterm projects due and trying to pick up more shifts at work to pay off their Spring 2022 semester. In the middle of eating their entrees, Z asked Abu about his anniversary with Maliya, his high school sweetheart of 5 years, and what he has planned. Abu said, “I have everything planned starting from the spa treatment, restaurant, and hotel but the only problem is it’s on a Saturday and I’m supposed to work the whole day.” Paris responded, “why didn’t you tell me? They switched my schedule so I’m off on Saturday and I’d be more than happy to cover your shift. Maliya needs you and you deserve a break.” Abu completely forgot about Paris’ schedule shift and was overjoyed that he can spend it with his girlfriend.

Saturday came and Abu picked up Maliya from her house and drove her to the spa salon. They both got a deep tissue masagged and complimentary champagne because he told the front desk it was their anniversary. After the spa, they went to check in to the hotel to get ready for dinner and the room was decorated with flowers, balloons, and gifts. Maliya was touched and gave Abu a big hug and kiss. While they were getting ready for dinner, Abu recieved a call from his job. He picked up and his manager sounded frustrated because he was not in for work even when Paris told the manager she was going to come in to replace Abu. Abu was confused and frustrated because the manager blamed him for not being responsible of his shift. He then called Paris and it led straight to voicemail. He tried calling her again and for the 15th time she did not respond. Maliya was worried something was wrong but Abu assured her that everything was under control. Abu wanted to keep his composure so he doesn’t ruin his anniversary with Maliya but his manager’s words kept replaying in his head. He let out a frustated sigh and ruffled his hair because of the stress but as soon as he saw Maliya putting her heels on, he went to the bathroom to fix his hair again and straightened his tie.

While Abu was driving to the restaurant with Maliya, Paris called him back and he declined it. When they arrived to the restaurant, he checked in for their 7 pm reservation and the hostess sat them. Abu excused himself from the table to call Paris back and she picked it up immediately. “I’m so sorry Abu! I overslept and had too much to drink last night and I ended up sleeping over at a friend’s house.” said Paris. “Paris, you should have told me if you weren’t sure you could cover my shift. I literally just got off the phone with our manager and he was coming at me for not having my shift covered. I just wanted to enjoy a night out with my girlfriend bro and now I don’t know if I can even rely on you for anything. He said he wants me to come into the office Monday morning and if I get fired, this is on you.” as Abu bangs the line as soon as he’s done. He walked back inside the restaurant and apologized to Maliya for ruining the vibe but she reasurred him that he did not ruin anything. Their server approached the table and they were excited to start eating from starving themselves the whole day. A 2016 Riesling was served to the table because Abu knew it was her favorite drink and they gazed into each other’s eyes with so much love.