My friend, who I will call Kim, and I met in middle school, though we didn’t really know each other until the summer preceding 8th grade. During that time, we had enrolled in summer school SHSAT prep.  Being part of a small group of students from our middle school, we quickly befriended each other.   

Kim is an Asian male the same age as me, with an average height and build. Intelligent and calm, Kim will never gather much attention in a group, but will always be engaged. Kim is an introvert(though not as much as I am), preferring to stay at home and play video games rather than going out and interacting with the outside world. When he does socialize, with me or other close friends, it will be through the Internet. 

To me, Kim is a consistent crutch I can always depend on. While my friend group is already fairly drama-adverse, Kim represents an extreme of that, never being involved in petty conflicts that are normally endemic to friends groups. Add to that his intelligence, honesty, and his open-mindedness, you can always ask for advice on literally whatever, whether it’d be for academic tutoring, life advice, video game advice, or even stupid stuff. One time, not too long ago, I asked him in direct messages, out of paranoia, if it was ok to leave delivery packages at the front door(yes I am aware of how stupid of a question that is to ask, but I was worried of porch pirates). As I expected, he promptly layed my fears to rest. 

Aside from being reliable, Kim is simply enjoyable to be around. Always willing to chat(when he’s available), always willing to join for whatever game you’re willing to play. His calmness, is well, calming, and his presence has always helped whenever I am anxious about something. During some particularly stressful times, I joked that I’d rather live in his bedroom than my own.  

That’s Kim: reliable, likable, and intelligent. Someone that I am glad to be friends with, and someone I expect to be friends with for many years to come.