Prof. Jessica Penner | D304 | Spring 2022

Allen Shen, Meet my Computer Mouse

When I was in first grade, I was given a personal computer. An old, hand-me-down desktop that was at least a decade older than me, but it was still a computer that I could use for whatever I wanted, at the young age of six. Since then, my life has been more or less dominated by computers and other forms of technology. Aside from sleep, being on my computer, whether for gaming, chatting, reading, studying, or work, has consumed the most time out of any other activity . 

One of the fundamental components of modern computers is the computer mouse. An innovation when it was first invented, the computer mouse significantly increased the accessibility of computers, making them usable to even six year old me. 

As someone who uses the computer so frequently, it is natural to have a high quality computer mouse. This is where my computer mouse, the Logitech G502, comes in. 

The Logitech G502 computer mouse can be easily looked up for a picture, but the mouse itself is medium sized and constructed with black plastic. This mouse has more buttons than a normal computer mouse (a total of 8, including the two standard click buttons and scroll wheel), designed to open up more flexible control schemes for playing video games. You can bind each button to perform specific tasks, though I have all of mine set to their default function. The most important buttons are two rectangular buttons above where your thumb would normally rest. Both of these buttons’ most common use is as a shortcut for the back and forward arrow keys on web browsers. Instead of moving my cursor to click the arrows, I can have my thumb press one of the buttons. 

The final important thing to note about the mouse is the ergonomic design. The sides of the mouse where your thumb, pinky and ring finger lie have a more grippy material than the smooth plastic that covers the top and bottom of the mouse. The mouse itself is shaped to fit comfortably in the average hand. Compared to cheaper mouses or mouses I have used in public or school computers, it is definitely more comfortable. 

This computer mouse is one of many pieces of computer hardware that I own and have owned, including there or four other mice. Many computer enthusiasts frequently splurge to constantly upgrade their computers, whether it be computer parts, keyboards, monitors, mouse and mouse pads, chairs, and other accessories. I do not consider myself one of them(I wouldn’t even be able to afford it), but the process of slowly, yet consistently, upgrading my hardware to improve my computer mirrored and reflected my personal growth. In a sense, as I grew up, my computer and setup also grew with me. 


  1. Gabriel Martinez

    You clearly have a great knowledge on computer peripherals! Something as simple as a mouse can have such an extensive history and impact on how you preform on a computer. I use a steel series Sensei 310, which is great for gaming!

  2. Samin Tareque

    I found your piece really interesting because as a computer major student I had no idea about this computer mouse of yours. These great things about this specific mouse has me interested in getting one for myself.

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