Meet My Bag
My first encounter with my bag was in late October of 2015. My friend at the time asked me if I wanted an extra bag for school and I considered it. The next day he bought it to me. There were two Nike bags he had. One was black, and one was Neon Green. Without hesitation, I choose the neon green bag. My first impressions were nothing special. It felt comfortable to wear during the school hours and coming and leaving my house. The people that were there at the time were a few friends and classmates from my high school.
As slightly described before, it is a Neon Green Nike school bag, it smells like nothing honestly, unless washed. Over the years it lost some of its color due to some wear and tear but it’s no issue nevertheless. It feels as soft as the day I first had it in my hands.
At first I didn’t know if it would have significant meaning in my life, I thought it would only be used for one year and I’d toss it away. However, as the years went on, I learned to appreciate how much time I spent wearing it and bringing it to many places that I’ve been to other than just school/college. It’s meaning changed overtime due to the reliance of what I put inside it to bring to many events I go to with people or by myself. I’ve used the bag for luggage for vacations, it fits all my clothing and electronics, while being able to wear it on my back for a duration of that time. I bring it to the gym to put shoes, bottles or sports related attire. I also put food items from stores in it in case I purchase multiple things for a day.
My bag’s value overall tells me to cherish the memories that I’ve had made for the countless years I’ve used it. It taught me to value the things people give me so I can remember them for the things that they’ve done for me and how they made an impact in my life.
The best reward of owning my bag is not really a reward at all. I hope to continue to use it for as long as I can until it’s not usable anymore. I’ve had it for seven years now and it’s still as durable to wear as the first time I’ve wore it on my back or held it in my hand.
If I had to give it to someone, I would give it to a friend I’ve had for about four years now. The only reason being is because if something were to happen to me, I would give it to them to remember me for as long as they can. Along with that, I may include items they and I enjoy or relate to with the time we shared over those years. I think it would be in the right hands if that were to happen.
I enjoyed how you described the various different ways that you used your boom bag and all the memories you created along the way with this bag. One question I would have is whether you would purchase a similar bag if this one is unusable or you’d get a different style to get more memories out of.
You made something people may not really think as valuable sound so worthy of having. We tend to value items more when it’s given to us as a gift. I’m sure your friend would be so happy to see how useful the bag is to you still today.
I really enjoyed this story a lot it seemed pretty different from the other ones i previously read i really liked the tone and language of this writing