Austin Vegas’s Profile

Active 11 months, 2 weeks ago
Austin Vegas
Display Name
Austin Vegas
Major Program of Study
Computer Engineering Technology

My Courses

EMT 2390L – Operating Systems Laboratory

EMT 2390L – Operating Systems Laboratory

EMT 2390L – Operating Systems Laboratory

ENG1141 Creative Writing, SP2022 D304

ENG1141 Creative Writing, SP2022 D304

All writing is creative, including the writing you do for school, internet posts to social media, and text/email messages. Where there was a blank page–virtual or otherwise–and you fill it with your words, you have, in fact, drawn on your intellectual resources to create patterns of meaning with those words. “Creative writing,” however, generally refers to poetry, fiction, drama, and some forms of non-fiction–memoirs and narratives that use the techniques of story-telling. We will focus on understanding how form and meaning work together and on understanding the types and complexities of each genre–notably, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, and cross-genres–so each student can begin to develop their unique, individual voice.

Blain ENG 1121 O449 SP20221

Blain ENG 1121 O449 SP20221

This is the second half of the first year writing sequence, and it’s all about finding your public writing voice.

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