Prof. Jessica Penner | OL05 | Fall 2020

Nickay Green, revise Meet my Apple Watch

Meet my Apple watch

Smart devices have become a major part of our everyday lives in recent years. From smartphones to smartwatches and tablets, we have endless possibilities with our smart devices. Like the average millennials, I too invested a small fortune to stay up to date with the latest smartphones but that is as far as my smart device obsession goes. 

In Christmas of 2018, I receive an Apple Watch as a gift from my husband. I must admit when I first got my Apple watch I was not excited about it because I did not see the need for a smartwatch when I already have a smartphone that I use for everything. Never-the-less I wear it because it was a gift and I think the pink color was really nice.

For the first few months, I just used it to tell time and respond to text messages when I am far away from my cell phone (which is my favorite feature). One day I was mindless playing around with the apps on the watch and that’s when I discover the health app that I could use to track my daily workout activity. To say I was excited about this discovery would be an understatement.

I would not say I am a health fanatic, but I do try to track my daily activity level and set monthly activity goals that I work towards achieving through daily walks and working out at the gym.

I would normally use the health app on my I-phone to track my daily steps, but I realize that it was not completely accurate because during work, my phone would be in my bag and I would be active throughout my shift and my steps were not being logged.

With the apple watch, I get to wear it throughout the day and all my activity gets logged in the health app. The App even gives me a weekly summary of my workouts and do a comparison summary of the previous weeks and previous months so I can see my progress and make improvement if I was performing better in the previous months. 

Outside of the health feature, I now use my watch to check the weather through the weather app, control my music selection when I am listening to Pandora or apple music as well as check my heartrate daily. 

I still find it funny that a device I didn’t know I needed at the time would become such a huge part of my daily life. 

  I try not to leave my house without my apple watch, and I find it difficult to stay motivated when I work out in the park if I am not wearing my watch because I have no means of tracking my progress. I still wonder sometimes how I ever workout without a smartwatch. 

Apple has released newer and more advance Apple watches since I got mine, but I will stick with mine since it is still working perfectly. Who knows, I might add it to my Christmas list this year and see if my family would be generous and buy me one of the newer models. But if I do decide to get another Apple-watch, I would prefer it to be black since black matches best with every outfit and that way I can wear it everywhere I go. 

1 Comment

  1. Mohammed Hashim

    Hi Nickay, I really enjoyed your journey of getting your Apple Watch. Some technologies can really make a difference in our daily lives once we give them a chance. I also like the health app. I once had a fitbit watch that tracks everything I do exercise wise. Do you think newer versions are going to offer you more useful options that you can use if you were to upgrade?

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