I was once friends with someone I thought to be truthful. In my freshman year of high school, I became friends with this one girl. She was a good friend at the time but towards my sophomore year of high school, things began to become oddly strange. She confided me with many of her “issues”. She was comfortable enough to share the details of her mental illnesses. It was no problem because I’ll gladly help any of my friends out, but it eventually became emotionally mentally draining. She would tell me that she would harm herself and to help her prevent that. It became more complex than those things. At one point for me I felt that if I said something wrong that she would end up doing something, I felt that I would be at fault if anything bad did happen to her because of how reliant she was on me.

She was apart of my friend group and eventually, things began to become more complicated. In the summer before the start of my junior year, she began starting drama with the rest of my friends. It ended up separating some of my friends and I apart for a while. I even ended up drifting apart from the one who started all of this in the first place. Months later I and friends ended up talking about this whole situation. We started connecting the dots and found out that there were many lies told to us throughout the years. Lies from, her financial status, her living situation, her issues, a lot of things even the simplest things were lies. Up to this day, my friends and I don’t know the truths and liest. She told people lies about me to people in my grade. So I and my friends stopped talking to her. In senior year people figured out that she was a manipulator and a liar.

This has changed me for the better because it has thought me not to be too hard on myself when someone is trusting you with their inner issues, to be more observant of people, not having her as my friend made me better mentally. It made me have the friends I have today and lastly that the universe has ways to repay bad people. <3