It was in 2001 in Bochum, Germany, one beautiful spring, bird flying and singing  by the park just across the street from the house where I lived.

It was a very nice neighborhood with a lot of retired people living their best life. I was known by many of them , my uncle who lived there for over 40 years was like the favorite black friend of the entire community.

Bochum is the home of the trade mark Opel, it has one of the best soccer teams in Europe, and a place where you can find the best “pumpernickel”(black bread) in the country. 

It is one of my favorite cities in Germany.What many people don’t know about Bochum is that it also has the most beautiful cemeteries of the region.

I never thought I would be able to say that out-loud ever,I didn’t know that tombs could be so beautiful,death-supposed to be scary but the feeling being in that place so pure ,calm , and peaceful some may find it weird but , instead of people going to the park for a walk, they go to the cemetery, the architecture,the decor, color-choice, landscaping,make this place heavenly.

From where I am coming from, cemeteries are “scary places”. Growing up I heard a lot of stories who made me not even want to go by a cemetery.

After my first experience going there, it became a place of relaxation and reflection for me,life-expectancy from that community is about 95 years, it was just a good resting place for those who lay there.

From that experience,I realize that when you accept death, you live and enjoy life better, hoping to stay as long as possible.