Title of Piece: The Wife’s Story                                        Author’s Name: Ursula K. Leguin


Point of View: The author did a great job narrating the wife prospective leading the reader to believes she was a human, but instead the author was narrating a wolf’s wife.

Voice & Style: The author did a great job describing hiding what really happen to her husband until the end. During the reading I thought the husband became violent towards the family. Also, I came to the point thinking the husband cheated on her because she mentions “he smelled strange… It made my hair stand up on end.”

Characters: The Leguin gave a great visual of what the wife saw her husband changed into by saying “each foot got longer, stretching out, the toes stretching out and the foot getting long, fleshy, and white. And no hair on them… the mouth flat and wide, and the teeth grinning flat and dull, and the nose just a knob of flesh with nostril holes, and the ears gone.”

Plot: The author did a great job not giving away the plot of the short story. It made the reader want to continue to read it find out what happen to the narrator’s husband.


Characters: Is there a reason why the author did not mention why the husband came home smelling strange?

Plot: How come the wife started to become suspicious after having a kid; the husband never left before they had a kid together?

Characters: Did the baby have problem of her becoming the monster her father became?

Point of View: What was the husband’s point of view of himself changing into a monster in the early morning hours?

Dialogue: How did the other people in the pack feel about the thing the narrator’s husband became?