For as long as I can remember my cousins, Emely, Kimberly, Itzel, and I have been close to one another and would hangout with each other often. Well, honestly Kimberly was often to moody to be hanging out with us or she would just sometimes not want to hangout with us. Other than that, we would often hangout and just enjoy the time between all of us.

Earlier this year in late March we were unexpectedly hit with Covid-19 and placed under quarantine. In the beginning of the quarantine it was a bit scary and it was all types of chaotic. Being at home got pretty boring for me after the first couple of weeks, this being that I am the youngest of four children and being the only one still living under my parentā€™s household. Luckily for me my cousin Itzel lived right up the block from me, still taking precautions I would be going to her house or vice versa just because we were ā€œBoredā€. During this quarantine while spending more time with Itzel our relationship grew. We talked about personal issues, family drama, boys, and many other things. This newly spent time with Itzel made me get to know her a little better. We went to different places together such as going to the city or Bush Terminal, which is a closer to us, to take pictures which is one of Itzelā€™s many hobbies. Although we couldnā€™t go to many places or didnā€™t want to cause of Covid we made the most out of a difficult time. My time spent with Itzel during the quarantine is significant to me because although we have been close, I got to know her personality more. I consider Itzel to be open minded, adventurous, confident, brave, and honest as well as a sense of humor. When speaking to her I never feel like I am being judged or criticized which is one of the many things I love about her.

Most recently because we are starting to get more into the groove of things opening back up, dealing with Covid and also the fact that she moved, Itzel and I donā€™t spend as much time as we did in quarantine. We still hangout whenever our schedules allow us too but our time spent in quarantine will always be remembered. Ā