I will choose speech and the reason behind it is that when you write a speech, it is directed to a diverse audience whereas when you write a letter, it is directed to only one person. When writing a speech, you can share your opinion with lots of people whereas in a letter only one person can hear your voice. The gym is where many problems and issues occur and not many people know about the problems especially the people who do not go to the gym so by writing a speech, people who don’t go to the gym, or the people who haven’t come across these problems would know about these problems. There are many problems and issues that take place in the gym. One of the biggest problems that occur in the gym is when people don’t put the dumbbells to where it belongs. It is really annoying because when people want to use some specific dumbbells and the dumbbells are not in the place where they belong, they won’t be able to find it. I feel like the gym should make this a strict rule that people should put the dumbbells where they belong so that everyone obeys the rule. One more big problem in the gym is that when some machine malfunctions, the gym takes 1 week to fix it and it is really annoying because then people have to wait a whole week for it to get fixed to be able to use it. I feel like most of the gyms should have better management so that a problem like this wouldn’t occur.