Video game club.
The video game community is an extensive one, many people use this community for various reasons such as stress and anxiety. The main goal of this community is primarily to entertain its members with enjoyment, relaxation, and even socialization. These experiences can be appreciated between members by communicating, this is one of the most fundamental bases because it inspires teamwork through challenges, it’s primarily how the members of this wonderful community speak about how to improve in a diverse type of video games, how to comprehend and how to meet people online, video games also communicate a lot of basic education to the public such as demonstrating discipline or teamwork. For a person to have a future or to be able to join this particular community they shouldn’t fully need to understand about certain types of video games at all, simply wanting to have fun and want to receive some source of therapy to be able to relax for a time of the day is only required. But it would be recommended that you at least have a little experience having seen videos about different types of video games online. Like any community, this one also has gaps filled with problems that affect its members, this being no exception. Any video game community always suffers from the same thing, the toxicity of many kinds as well as insults as well as sexism, etc, negative comments exist in this community and it is something unstoppable and inevitable.

Concept art design club.
The conceptual art club is one that I am just starting to be a part of as it is very extensive and intriguing, this community is based on the creation of digital and old-fashioned art with paper. Its members can enter this community with the same goal of being able to produce conceptual art for video games, series, comics, and many others, communicating in different ways with their art, both to express a feeling or to show how an idea would look like. complete and that reaches the masses in many ways using colors and a great variety of fictitious or real people. Before being able to enter this group, it is required that you know or have some experience with digital art, having used or seen virtual tools to be able to create them, and, on the other hand, knowing how to draw physically with paper and pencil or any other type of device. By joining this group or club, members will be able to improve their skills as an artist since they will communicate with people with their same interests and goals, as well as one can learn from another but this also leads to problems since no club or community lacks it, in this case, they are difficulties of inspiration, originality, art theft as well as stress but if these are faced correctly a conceptual artist can fascinate many people all over the world.

ASMR community.
Asmr is something that not many people know but I am part of it for many reasons, first of all, ASMR stands for Autonomous sensory meridian response. Its objective is to relax and calm the people who participate in this community, many people enter this community especially since they suffer from sleep problems, depression, or stress. Videos are used to relax accompanied by relaxing sounds for the ears, just as I mentioned before it is to help the public as a therapy for many health circumstances including insomnia. One of the best ways for people in this group to communicate is by message on discord, WhatsApp, Youtube, etc. The vast majority of online platforms contain an extensive ASMR community, both for young people, seniors, men, and women. Basically for everyone, one of the problems with this community is the toxicity it contains, as well as insults, etc, no virtual club hasn’t a problem with this.