Prof. Jessica Penner | D463 | Spring 2022

Discussion Question: Student Samples–Multimodal Projects

What do you notice and what appeals to you about these projects? There are no right answers! Just hit “reply” and write a few sentences expressing what caught your eye about these pieces.


  1. shafinsikder

    After looking at the poster I think I will do my multimodal project as the poster since I’m doing this way I will be able to include some visuals and make my piece more interesting to read.

  2. Allen Luo

    I really enjoyed how much variety and creativity was involved with this assignment. The ones that really drew my attention were projects that included visuals. I think using visuals to interact with an audience is really efficient and also gets your point across quickly. I also appreciated the other formats like poems and rap. Although I am nowhere near that level of creativity, it did give me a glimpse of what I could do with this project. As of now I would want to learn more towards the visuals side of this assignment like the poster.

  3. Roland

    I liked the posters, I enjoy visuals. It’s automatically more interesting to me because it’s more appealing than a boring white paper with words. The posters had cool colors and pictures. I think it gets the message across easier.

  4. Sateen

    What I noticed about these projects were all of them were very unique in their own way. All the students who wrote statements, poems made raps, and presentation did a great job in getting their point through. Also, they were very passionate about the topics they chose to write about, and they weren’t boring to a point I wanted to stop reading. The students gave very good information throughout the projects.

    • Ahmed shah

      I really like how everyone was using different ways to express their thoughts like by writing rap or writing a poem. It shows how creative some people can be and how they can express their thoughts in different ways. It was really fun to read them as well.

  5. Chelsea

    The poster and the presentation interested me to keep reading on the importance of their topics. I liked the poster and the presentation the most because they included different important information that could help someone be informed on what’s going on. Both the poster and the presentation include images that match the topic.

  6. youcef007

    This project It’s an a idea to do and I like how they presented it also I liked the rap and statement it’s a such one paragraph as long as one breath.

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