Dog people/Owning a dog ; People want to make sure that dogs find a good home in shelters and they are well taken care of, also owning a dog you want to make sure your dog is living a good life, and you just shower them with lots of love. We communicate with each other through facebook groups or I have friends who have dogs also so we just make fun of each others dogs. Some problems in this group is some people tend to not know how to take care of their dogs correctly so they end up either abusing them or abandon them, then many dogs end up in the shelter. Also, seeing many animals/dogs outside when you can’t help them is hurtful in a way. 

Dance Team ; Others my age who have a love for dancing comes together to create dance moves to entertain people at our school concerts. We would meet up every Fridays, and discuss with our dance teacher what we feel would fit good with the themes of the songs being used. We communicate with the outside world by going on snapchat making posts about the concerts we have, and people should come, and support. Before a person could join this group they should be vocal regarding the dance moves, be able to get along with the dance teacher/other dancers, and at least have some rhythm. One Issue would be having to leave a class early to go practice, this would result into us losing information on the work we were doing.