Swales Quotes

Avery Lendore

” The latter was premised on a homogeneous assemblage of people who share place, background, language variety and who largely share social, religious, and cultural values. Such communities tend to be small and isolated, such as those existing in mountain villages, or on small islands, or in desert oases. In some contrast, the former is a largely heterogeneous, socio-rhetorical assemblage of people who broadly share occupational or recreational experiences, goals, and interests.” Paragraph 8 Line 2-8

The reason I found this quote interesting was because it breaks down how vast discourse communities can be. It shows that you that it isn’t just about sharing hobbies, but social religious and cultural ideas and values.  The quote also shows that discourse communities don’t have to be a mainstream idea and that they can spread to places like small island mountain villages and dessert oases.

“In addition, discourse communities both influence and are influenced by the larger communities within which they are situated. In consequence, when a university becomes established in a town, the presence of this constellation of discourse communities influences the wider urban environment; as a result, the urban environment provides services that are helpful to the university, such as cheap student housing, cheap restaurants, museums, and more bookshops” Paragraph 9 Lines 4-9

The reason I chose this quote was because I found this information eye opening.  Now that I’ve read this quote, I can relate it to my current college experience.  When I first started school, I walked around the area to see what was in the area that I could use to my advantage to help better my college experience and education.  Most areas surrounded by universities are surrounded by coffee shops, fast food, restaurants, and bookstores etc.
