Prof. Jessica Penner | OL33 | Fall 2021

Adam Shahin, My Discourse Communities.

  1. Stock DC- This DC I’m apart of is all about Stocks/Crypto and has much stock used vocabulary that no one would use in the real world. Everyone here communicates virtually and tries to help each other make money investing into certain stocks. 
  2. Muslim DC- My neighborhood is mainly Muslims and everyone here communicates and assumes we all speak Arabic which is pretty annoying. There is also many Muslims stores causing more Muslims to come here and visit some stores they may not have. There isn’t much problems in this community as everyone here is Religious and tries to follow their religion and not create problems.
  3. Radiology DC/Hospital DC- This DC is the hospital where I’m majoring for and it intense because we have to learn from the doctors who are teachers and have jobs. We also have to help the patients which is annoying cause of the intensity. The doctors communicate by talking loud and fast to try and get everything done.

1 Comment

  1. Adam Shahin

    1. Stock DC
    -Lots of FUD being spread when talking making others not wanna buy a certain stock etc. (FUD = Fear and doubt)
    -Stock can go wrong causing people to complain and lose money
    2. Muslim DC
    -Lots of Arabic Speakers where I live causing everyone to assume one another to speak Arabic to eachother when I don’t so gets annoying.
    -Too much Muslim people around cause of Stores/Family living here causing my neighborhood to be crowded most of time. (Especially during Covid it’s dangerous)
    3. Radiology/Hospital DC
    -Miscommunication between staff can happen causing issues
    -False and Misinformation bout a patient can also happen causing issues.

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