Sports DC: 

This is a group of people where we play soccer together. It is a small group of people, all of us are friends. Our main goal is to play soccer together and have fun. We meet in person obviously to play together. But we also communicate over the phone sometimes just to catch up with each other. I think we all connect very well.  

Gaming DC:  

This is another group where some of us connected for a while. Basic communications happened via messaging or in the game. But we also know each other and communicate in person as well. Our main goal is to have fun in our free time. We are not professional gamers or anything. We keep each other updated about any kind of new games or any event about games going to happen soon.  

Workplace DC:  

We have this group to communicate with each other. All of us are quite well connected because of the group. Only the people who work under the owner are allowed here. Our goal is to be connected always and share any essential information about the workplace. We share information over the phone. We are always respected by each other.