Religious DC

This DC program is over the phone and online for anyone that wants to get closer to the religion, we all share the same ideas, ethics, and values. I’m Christian, we will gather every week for prayers and religious studies to help each and everyone one of us grow emotionally and spiritually.

Fitness DC

The key purpose in the Fitness DC is to inspire fellow members to constantly push ahead and inspiring one another, By helping each other to stay motivated. Also, we help each other stay healthy with what we eat. We interact every other day to keep everyone on the same page. Fitness may certainly stimulate others and persuade or urge them to reduce weight or just staying fit.

Gaming DC

The main goal in a Gaming DC, I believe is to be yourself and have fun. This is why the majority of the group is people I actually know in reallife, However that doesn’t mean people out of our circle can’t join. Well, have to build a connection first. Then everything will flow in place, some of us are not official gamers, but eventually, want to become one. We all helping each other grow, so we can build a platform and continue to improve.