“The latter was premised on a homogeneous assemblage of people who share place, background, language variety and who largely share social, religious, and cultural values.”

I found this quote a bit strange. To think that a community would/could be something other than this is interesting. Similarly, the idea of a discourse community isn’t far off, coming together to achieve a common purpose by sharing differences. Yes, the individual may have many similarities but the purpose, in the end, is the same. I also find this a bit strange.

“One of the many things that I did learn in the investigative process was that university clocks move at different speeds in different parts of a university. The clock goes very slowly in the Herbarium. If a botanist wants to borrow some specimens from Michigan, he or she needs to agree to keep them for at least two years, and may actually keep them for decades.”

I like this quote purely based on my not understanding the reason behind it. I don’t get why the clocks would move at different times nor why the specimen needs to be kept in another department for two years or more. It’s complete nonsense to me and I’d like to know the reason.