As the semester is slowly coming to an end, I have developed and learned so much based on the work I’ve submitted, if it has been through Unit 1 to the Unit 3 work and so on. One of the things I’ve learned is understanding the idea of an annotated biography which I didn’t know how to write beforehand, and can also say I’ve learned more about my discourse communities and the details surrounding it, another thing I learned is writing in MLA format which was used a lot throughout the semester. This course has also introduced the assignment of a Multimodal Project which I’ve never done so doing that also improved my writing and reading. Another thing I would say that I’ve learned along the semester was learning how to write speech style writing which I never knew how to write. As this class progressed, I feel that my writing in terms of grammar has improved as well. Based on everything I have said, I could say that I can apply this information to my career path which is computer systems, I can also apply this information to any type of letter I would want to send to my friend or family, if that may be through text or mail. This course has reinforced the ideas of the discourse communities which I would say I‘ve learned a lot from this class. This course has also discovered the creative side of my writing which I didn’t know I had. In terms of comparing my work from the beginning of the year to now, I would say I included more text which improved my writing along the way. Early on into this course, I believed my writing was above average because I liked writing about issues that were important to me, and a lot of the writing assignments that were in this course had a lot of that which elevated my writing.

                Throughout the semester, different assignments needed to be completed and a lot of these assignments required different writing styles which I had to adapt to. In terms of Unit 1’s writing assignment, I feel my writing style was changed because I had to incorporate a speech style writing, and I would say it was a lot easier because speech style writing allowed me to jump into my creative side of writing and just write what I thought was good in my mind which helped my writing. Unit 2’s writing assignment was a lot more research-heavy which I had to change my writing style again to adding more quoted information alongside more factual information. Unit 3’s writing style was a lot more confusing because I had never done a multimodal project so going into it required a bit of both creative information and factual information.

                Particularly for me, the struggles I faced were just being able to be focused and on task, I would tend not to be focused most of the time which did hurt me. The biggest thing throughout this semester which allowed me to be more focused is purchasing a 2-monitor pc setup, I feel like, after this, I could truly focus on my assignments without 3rd party factors coming into play. When coming into this semester I fully expected this course to be very writing-heavy and a lot less of reading. Having been done with all the assignments I could say that, this course unlocked and improved the creative side of my writing and if I had any advice to give to future students taking this course I would say to just say focused on the task at hand because the assignments given can improve your overall writing to when it was beforehand.