Prof. Jessica Penner | OL33 | Fall 2021

adisa dumani, social justice brainstorm

The social justice movement ive decided to write about would be the topic on abortions. I believe this is a good topic for me to write about because there is alot of research and i’ve found really good links to news and research information that will help me make my points on the topic strong and important. In my research it was talked alot about the economy and how much women incomes are that are linked to the rate of abortions. I also found in research the health risks and how long women from different states have been fighting for their right to have a choice when it comes to dealing with their bodies.two questions i have for my social justice issue are:

Does making abortion harder to get or make them completely illegal push people to get unsafe abortions or “backstreet abortions”?

What are society’s view on abortion?


  1. Vimalsan Manoharan

    I would say the first question would be a “yes or no” question, a reworded way can be: how can “backstreet abortions” or unsafe abortions be limited in today’s world?
    The next question is good.

  2. adisa dumani

    how can “backstreet abortions” be limited in todays society ?

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