Prof. Jessica Penner | OL33 | Fall 2021

Vimalsan Manoharan, Social Justice Brainstorm

The social justice issue that I’m going to write about is gun violence as I think it will be the most interesting and I also have a great interest in this topic because I feel there has been an increase in the past years. One of the things I looked up is the number of deaths due to gun violence and the percentage of Mass shootings increasing by 55% in 2021. The question I would present is Why is there been an increase in Gun Violence in the U.S over the past 5 years? or How does the increase in gun violence in the past years affect the opinion on guns by the public?

1 Comment

  1. adisa dumani

    this is a very interesting and important topic you chose, and you’re asking good questions as well, another question i can add on is “how do students from high school or college, feel about guns and gun regulations?” this may help bring a different light to your topic when young people are also affected by it.

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