Antigone plays as a main character doing what she believes is right and going for what she feels she needs to do. She seems to stand her ground and doesn’t let someone tell her what to do, being brave. Ismene is more of someone that doesn’t like to get trouble fear of what king might do which in both cases ismene is true that bad things might happen and Antigone doesn’t have a fear of the king because her brother should get what he deserves. I would cast Jennifer Lawrence as Antigone because know in Jennifer Lawrence movies she’s is the fighter and she is such a strong actor with her emotions. I would cast ismene as Elizabeth Moss, I have watched the handmaid tales and she has to look that she has fear but inside of all the fear she still tries to do what she needs to, to get what she wants and what is best for the people around her.
If creon lived in today’s world, his monologue would appear on Facebook I feel that Facebook is where many people are involved or even on Twitter. I believe that this platform connects with more people and it’s somewhere that can be shared with others. Whenever there is a breakthrough of someone big happening it’s mostly shared on there. Traits he would have is demanding, power in which many people might find annoying, I wouldn’t know how to connect that with social media platform.