Quote 1: “what, to the American slave,is your 4th of July? I answer :a day that reveals to him more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim.” Cited from (What to the nergo is the Fourth of July?) pg 10.

Paraphrase : Douglass’s quote is trying to express that way back during the time of declaration of freedom as it is stated that all Americans are equally given freedom black Americans were still slaves. So every forty of July it just makes them remember how cruelty they were identified and remains a “constant victim”.

Response: This quote is important because it’s words out what most to every black American feels as the Fourth of July passes. It’s helps express what many people don’t say.

Quote 2:”There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking , and bloody, than are the people of those United States, at this very hour”. Cited from (What to the nergo is the Fourth of July?) pg 10.

Paraphrase: Douglass quote is stating how different US is compared to the other nations I would say that other nations are worse but by how they are living but US lacks more of respect. 

Response: This quote doesn’t seem very that important but it is important because it’s a eye opener, a response to people that are in the United States as a confrontation to there ways.Â