Quote 1: 

In his speech, Frederick Douglass asked “Are the great principles of political freedom and natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us [blacks]?”(7).


With this, Frederick Douglass is trying to say that this supposed freedom that America claims, those ideals, are false. Since it does not affect negros but only white people. 


I agree with what Frederick Douglass said since America was not following what their funders fought for. It is inhuman to invite negros to celebrate their independence day when most of them are slaves.

Quote 2: 

Frederick Douglass claims that “What, then, remains to be argued? Is it that slavery is not divine; that God did not establish it; that our doctors of divinity are mistaken? There is blasphemy in the thought”(10).


Frederick Douglass is trying to show how something so inhuman can be divine?. It is a vague excuse, a lie, that being a slave is part of a divine plan. He is trying to say that no argument justified slavery. Nobody in their right minds would accept voluntarily to be a slave. 


I agree with the author since no explanation would make the idea of slaves valid. There is no reason or cause for the abuse to the negros as it was happening at the time. Furthermore, it is a shame that one of the excuses or reasons used for this is that slavery is part of a divine plan.