I have chosen the immigration discourse community. The main reason I have chosen this discourse community is that is very common that people who come from another country always get judged and always go through racism. There was a point when Obama was the president he did so much for immigrant people such as for the kids who came from another country. He did a program called DACA for kids who came from another country to help them with their education and their future. However, coming from another state was hard especially when English isn’t their first language. For example, my father came to this state at the age of 16 knowing nothing leaving his parents in Ecuador it was one the hardest thing he as done as a kid. At that moment, as a kid coming to the state just because he wanted a better life and future due to he was poor wanted to help his mom back at home. Ever since that day my father never went to any English school he only learned by hearing people talk. Look up to my father he came to this state at an early age and started from nothing and now he has his own company of construction. That says a lot from someone who came to this country for a better future and opportunities. Furthermore, the years as pass there a president Donald trump who was the most racist president I have seen and took down DACA killing thousands of immigrants dreams. When DACA  was getting remove it was heartbreaking it affected the immigrants looking for a future. This president has done so much for immigrants to not come here such as the border and calling them aliens.  No matter what immigrants are always getting judge and discriminate against because of the cruel we live in.