In DC people want to achieve their goal and share their thoughts. DC has some problems, issues, and good or bad things. I chose the DC is social media because I think this the one of most important for everyone and our everyday life connected with social media. This DC has many good or bad issues and problems. 

Social media has lots of sides like facebook, twitter, business etc. but I am not talking about all of them, I just want to talk about those who are aged 4 through 17 and 18 up. I also want to talk about their mental health and how many hours they are using social media and their percentage. Also I want to add what adults develop and what are good or bad things children use in social media. I think my DC needs to know parents and adults who spend a lot of time on social media. I think if parents can know then they can control their child like they can help them to understand what’s good or bad about social media. Also, adults can understand they can  develop their goals and what can affect them mentally. They need to know about their health and how social media can impact their daily life and what are some benefits of social media.