The issue that Wollstonecraft identifies in her letter is that women don’t have rights, women that want to fight get pushed down, without letting them speak or just be heard. Wollstonecraft is writing us letter to bring attention to those that cannot speak or that are afraid to. Wollstonecraft wants to be heard as not just her voice but for all the women’s voices. I would identify Wollstonecraft discourse community to be women’s rights, bring in everyone to make a goal/statement to men in power or of the higher ground. The recipient probably not going to be a part of it since she is sending the letter to someone who is against women’s rights.

The issue young is presenting is the lack of right judgment toward people’s disability. She sees it has a problem because most/all people that have disabilities don’t want to be viewed differently but just equally. Young’s discourse community would be to bring support to a group of people that have disabilities to know that they aren’t alone, or maybe of how to cope with people’s judgment. Also this group would help to tell society of how theres judgment of viewing them as a inspirations or of something else but not viewed as regular.This group would involve people with disabilities and or people who don’t have disabilities. I would feel that young wouldn’t be a part of the group because that would be viewed as her being a inspiration but yet again not really sure maybe it could be viewed differently.