Wollstonecraft see the problem of women not having rights that of men as an issue because of the logic men/society have. She believes that if you was to just think through the thought process it does not make sense why woman do not have the same rights. For example she talks about how women are supposed to teach the younger generation, their kids, specific things about society like being patriotic, but how are they if they are not allowed to. I would say her discourse community is woman seeking to further education and wanting equal rights. The recipient is not a part of this group he is someone who believes that is not the role of woman.

Young is presenting this speech to bring into light a new way of thinking about disabled people. She believes that people need to stop seeing disabled people as a means of inspiration, that just because they are disabled and doing things does not make it to be inspirational. She does not want to be viewed as “inspiration porn”. She believes she may have a disabled body and it could make some things challenging but that does not make her doing the regular things of a non disabled person more impressive. To not be objectified for the sake of a normal body individual. Young discourse community is tricky. She would be part of the disabled discourse community but I would argue she fights to be in the normal person discourse community. One where just because she does something that is part of normal human activity she is congratulated. She wants to make it more normal that disable people are still people and should be normalized. The people outside listening to the speech are most likely normal body individuals with no disabilities.