This semester was a rough one, so much had happened to prevent me from finishing but I fought to the finish line. I’ve learned a lot about myself for the past six months, regarding reading and writing, also personal life matters. I’ve learned that everything in writing is planned out, which I knew already but this semester helped open my eyes to more ways. The professor help us unlock, writing skills that we didn’t know were there. I love writing but never took the time to actually seat and write unless it’s an assignment, but in the past few weeks, I’ve been writing none stop putting all the ideas on paper, Also did a lot of research on multiple assignments. Before this semester I thought authors had it easy but there is more to that we do not see. For example, it can take months to finish an essay and still wouldn’t be perfect but get it close too, you’ll have to put pieces together from scratch and one day everything will fall in place.

One of my struggles this semester is to connect all the information together to catch the reader’s attention. This is why I was having a problem with the first community project, which I will revise for the final reflection I believe now I can write a better speech to express what I wanted to say to the audience. I like the lesson was taught how all was connected step by step until the unit finished. That helps me stay organized so when the project was due all the little work we did falls in place. Also in the open lab, it feels like I’m not writing alone my professor is helping, and my classmate giving me feedback every step of the way so as a team we all improve each other writing.