The model I am using is the speech model. To me the speech model is a better for the topic I am going to address. Honestly speaking, to me a speech is a type of open letter. Open meaning that you are addressing it to all so you can get them to understand the situation that is happening. A letter zeros in on a more specific audience while a speech tries to be more broad reaching in scope. With the speech too, it will have more relevance over time and more impactful meaning to those who listen or hear the speech. Just look at the speech by Fredric Douglas. Speech is so old, yet while reading that speech you can feel all the emotions that were coming from him. His words strike just as deep as if he was still alive. That is because speeches, to me, need to think about each and every individual who might listen. You can not just make a speech thinking of the few who might hear it or those who understand the subject. Speeches are meant to try to stir the hearts of people, across all types of socio economical, and political spectrum. To touch all these different types of people, to come together and talk about and maybe try to solve a particular situation. That is the purpose of a speech to bring together, and it is needed for certain topics, like the one I am going to write about. A speech in which is not just talking about the topic to a few individuals, but to all, so that even if the situation does not apply to them the individual wants to be a part of the movement too. That is the only way to create a change. Keep trying to get as many people on your side as possible. I will follow a bit in the steps of Fredric Douglas and talk about who is responsible for the situation and try to explain why everyone should worry about the it. I will try to use logic to convince people that change needs to happen.