The model I’m choosing is a letter because the topic I’m going to write is about immigration. The reason I have chosen this topic is that I have seen how people mistreat and discriminate against immigrants people especially that president we had last year Donald Trump. Who did the possible to wasted money on the wall for immigrant people to not come not only that did the possibility to shut down DACA which was a program to help immigrant kids for their education. However, don’t think the dreamers didn’t fight back they try their best to have the program to keep on going but this is the world we live in with cruel human beings. Furthermore, they were deporting immigrants people back to the country separating them from their homes and especially their families. As a kid from two immigrants parents, I’m proud that my parents came here to have a better future and opptunties that’s what all immigrants do they don’t come here to do crimes or any negative we are all human. We should all be treated equally shouldn’t feel that we don’t belong in this beautiful country. This specific genre will help my argument because immigration happens all over the world and has been over the news, social media, and one of the most sensitive topics to talk about when innocent people go through it and when you see it. However, there are movies of what an immigrant has to do to come to this country and the sacrifice he/she does in either they will live or died to come to this country. Overall, I have heard how some of my family members had to do to come here and even lost an aunt due to her coming to this state. That’s why this topic is so important for me and have a good argument to write for.