Earlier today during class time I did some research on babysitting discourse community because I felt like I was a part of it since I babysit. However, after doing more research on different discourse communities that I may be apart at I’ve came across the mental health discourse community. I started doing additional research on specific mental health issues that I feel like I have and can be a discourse community. So now I am changing my discourse community to anxiety/overthinking DC if that’s even a thing. I feel like this is a discourse community that I am a part of mainly because I do struggle with anxiety and overthinking daily, and I know there is many other people who struggle as well with it. After doing some research on it and putting in my prior knowledge and experience on the topic I feel like some struggles that we face is battling with our own consciousness, and I feel as if people outside of this DC don’t fully understand what it’s like struggling with this. And by people outside of this DC I mean people who don’t struggle with anxiety in general. Sometimes I have had encounters where people would tell me to just calm down or to just think positively but having anxiety and on top of that overthinking makes it very difficult because it’s not as simple as it seems to just calm down. It’s a serious battle that we have with our minds, and we can try very hard to calm it down but sometimes it doesn’t go that way. And there are times where we don’t even know what is bothering us, we don’t even know the main thing that causing constant feelings of anxiousness. Sometimes feelings of anxiety can just come up randomly with no real reason for it. There are times where my anxiety and overthinking has gotten in the way of building friendships and relationships and when we do end up building friendships and relationships, the people we interact with don’t fully understand how to work with us when we are having these anxious feelings and our minds run wild in a bad way. So, for this DC assignment the main issue end resolution I would point out when targeting an audience outside of our community is by telling them our own personal experiences and how we feel are ways that they can help us cope with it.