The discourse community that I am a part of that I have chosen to write about is renter. Meaning that I am part of many who want to rent out a place to live to be on my own, specifically in NYC. In the beginning, the person who I thought brought this out to light was Jimmy McMillan, also known as the rent is too dam high guy. He had a short lived run for mayor for NYC in which his party and platform was all about the rent being too dam high. As dramatic and silly it seemed, he does have a point. To rent out a property is getting more and more expensive and it for tiny almost unlivable places. Upon further research I saw that the current Mayor does have the housing authority as a concern and has taken steps to resolve it. I was in shock to see a whole NYC funded page talking about the housing crisis in NYC. Even with the Mayor doing what he claimed to be a priority, there still a lot to be done. In fact the message also applies for all around. Since housing prices are going up the average salary of a worker is not going up. This needs to be more of a national issue, and need to convince people carrying about the national average salary and cost of living is very important for the economy. You talk about how something will benefit the economy as a whole more people tend to get behind the idea.