Stella Young’s TED talk shows how disabled people are treated around the world. Stella goes on and tells the viewers/audience that people with disabilities often get congratulated for doing simple tasks and people only congratulate them because of the disease they may suffer from. Young sees this issue as a problem because she thinks disabled individuals are treated differently because of their disease and how that’s a problem in the world right now. Young thinks that disabled people should be treated like everyone else. She explains how she faced some issues starting from her teen years which include how she was nominated for a community award and another where a boy asked her about a speech in which she had no idea about. After reading about Young, I would say that her discourse community is different since she’s in a wheelchair and that other treat her differently cause of it. I think she’s outside the community in a sense. Since she’s disabled the community treats her different and not like the others. She gets respected and treated well and they think she achieved many things since she’s in a wheel chair when in her mind she didn’t achieve anything at all and is just like everyone else.

Wollstonecraft explains how women rights are different than men and other various types of people. Wollstonecraft thinks women are treated differently and mentions education. She says how education plays a role in communities and says “If woman isn’t fitted by education to become man’s companion, she will stop the progress of knowledge”. I think that Wollstonecraft is outside her community because she explains how women rights and education is different from others and how it causes a issue. Her discourse community is people who may think their above women.