Prof. Jessica Penner | OL33 | Fall 2021

Hadassel Gomez, My Discourse Communities

Accounting DC: I have an accounting class this semester and for us to be able to understand more of the class the professor decided to create a group chat. We communicate with each other through WhatsApp. Our goal is to help each other through the semester with homework and other assignments.

Gaming DC: I enjoy playing games and doing live streams in my free time and a year ago I decided to create a group with some friends. The main goal of this DC is to have someone to play with whenever you can do it and have some fun. We communicate with each other through WhatsApp and discord.

Family DC: I think I can choose this as a DC. This is my family discourse community. I was born in the Dominican Republic and some of my family members still live there. We decided to create a group chat where we can talk to each other and share moments, thoughts, jokes, etc. Our goal is to know how everyone is.

1 Comment

  1. Hadassel Gomez

    Accounting Discourse Community: Issue/problem 1

    One problem is that even though we try to help each other in everything we can, sometimes we do not know the answers to some questions the professor did not explain well. Even simple questions such as “When is the next assignment due?”. The professor usually doesn’t answer or text when some students need.

    Gaming Discourse Community: Issue/problem 1

    A problem we had in this DC is that, not everyone has the same time available to play with seach other. Therefore, we decided to constantly add more people to this DC.

    Family Discourse Community: Issue/problem 1

    I believe that in each family there is someone who likes to make a lot of jokes. Sometimes those jokes are a little bit too much and some of my family members can get offended and be mad at each other. I think that I could say that’s an issue.

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