1. Gym DC

I enjoy going to the gym when I have free time. At my gym with a membership, there are many group classes that you are able to join that meet certain days of the week. I would consider this a discourse community since we all are working towards a goal of becoming fit and healthy. There is no judgement in these classes and everyone is very supportive of your goals. This makes it easy to participate and communicate with others in class.

2. Religion DC

About a year ago, I was invited to join a religious group that meets once per week for about an hour. It sounded like a good idea since it was full of people my age. I would consider this a discourse community since we all have the same goal of interpreting the bible and applying it to our everyday lives. It is also fun to be in this group since we talk about different topics not only religious topics. Everyone is invited to participate. This community speaks both Spanish and English so everyone is able to understand.

3. Study DC

My friends and I meet a couple of times a week to provide support while doing school assignments and preparing for exams. We all have the goal to get good grades and become more involved in class. I feel this group helps us stress less about doing homework since we all see how we are not alone. We all value education and know the importance of setting time specifically for school work so we try to meet as often as possible.