1. The Gym/Weight-Lifting DC

In the Weight-lifting DC the common goal basically is to encourage other lifters or people in the gym to keep pushing forward and motivatingeather other whether that may be deadlifting, bench pressing and etc. We communicate through groupchats mostly so it would be easier to contact the whole group. The Gym/Weight-lifting can defintly motivate other parties and convice or encourage them to want to lose weight or to get stronger.

2. Coding DC

In the Coding/Software development DC, the group’s common goal would be execute code without any syntax error inside the code. The best way to communicate with each other woul be through discord since you can copy and paste code into the chat boxes, other be in a discord call with the other people in the DC. Convincing people to become coders may be hard, but just watching what you can achieve can boost your drive to become one.

3. Gaming DC

In the Gaming DC I would say the common goal would be to enjoy and play games together in the community whether that may be a basketball game or an rpg game. There are a multitude of ways to communicate with the members, one being in a “party chat” where you can conversate with each other and also by adding each other as friends so you can message them through a console or pc. The Gaming DC can bring out different sides of your personality that can benefit you, the Gaming DC also communicates with ads on social media for people to play.